Spotlight Comic: Digital Lines – the life stories of Sinti and Roma in comics
Thursday, 05.12.2024, 18.00 – 19.30, Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek | PopUp Saal, Blücherplatz 1
10961 Berlin-Kreuzberg
With Pedro Stoichita, comic artist
The two graphic novels by Pedro Stoichita tell the moving stories of the Sinti and Roma Emilie Danielová and Otto Rosenberg.
Sinti*zze and Rom*nja are one of the largest and most discriminated minorities in Europe. The prejudices and stereotypes that weigh heavily on them today go back hundreds of years and yet many of us know far too little about their culture and history. The Nazi genocide of Sinti*zze and Rom*nja during the Second World War is barely anchored in our historical knowledge.
Historical reappraisal in pictures – not possible? But it can! The two graphic novels by Pedro Stoichita present the moving fates of Emilie Danielová and Otto Rosenberg and make the antiziganist Nazi crimes, the culture and the struggle of Sinti*zze and Rom*nja for equal rights tangible for us. Readers are guided interactively from place to place and can connect the lives of the two protagonists with historical events.
The event introduces the project and the story of the two main characters.
Moderator: Axel Halling, Deutscher Comicverein e.V.
Admission is free, registration is not necessary. IN GERMAN LANGUAGE.
A co-operation event of the Central State Library Berlin zlb / Amerika-Gedenkbibliothek and the German Comics Association.