Funding luck at the end of the year: The results of the awarding of the three major comics funding in Germany

Berlin made it exciting again: But on December 20, 2023, the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion of the State of Berlin also announced the results of its grant awarding of scholarships for comic creators in 2024. After the Berthold Leibinger Foundation and the German Literature Fund, all funding decisions from the three major funding bodies for comic artists in Germany will now be announced before the end of the year.

The Berthold Leibinger Foundation, which has supported the comic since 2015, published its jury’s decision on December 1st that the Austrian Franz Suess would receive the main prize of 25,000 euros for his work “Jakob Neyder”. The other nine finalists of this application year, Ilka Sperling with “the big reset”, Frauke Angel (text) and Stephanie Brittnacher (drawing) for “Haus aus Stein”, Maurizio Onano for “In Gucci zu Netto”, Isabel Peterhans (drawing) and Simone Schönett (text) for “No Heaven, No Dream, Daytime Music,” Noëlle Kröger for “Meute,” Birgit Weyhe for “Silence,” “Melanie Wigger for “Vincent: A Story About Friendship and Dementia,” Hannah Brinkmann for “Time Doesn’t heal wounds,” Jens Cornils for “Zeter und Mordio” were awarded 2,500 euros each. Link: CBP award winners and finalists 2024

On December 18, 2023, the German Literature Fund announced the results of the Board of Trustees meeting on December 13th/14th. November 2023 announced. The work grants for comic artists awarded for the first time by the German Literature Fund are: Lisa Frühbeis (Augsburg), Hannah Brinkmann (Berlin), Marlene Krause (Berlin), Konstantin Potapov (Berlin), Mikael Ross (Berlin), Birgit Weyhe (Hamburg) . The scholarships run for up to twelve months and are endowed with 3,000 euros per month. Link: Current news (

And in its press release of December 20th, the Senate Department for Culture and Social Cohesion of the State of Berlin announced that – subject to available funds for 2024 – for two eight-month scholarships in the field of comics Arinda Crăciun and Beatrice Naomi Davies, for five four-month work scholarships Joris Bas Backer, Marc Hennes, Lutz Marx, Dirk Schwieger, Hannes Stummvoll and Bianca Schaalburg were nominated for the Comic in Paris 2024/25 residency scholarship.

Congratulations to everyone who received funding!