Comics exhibition “Soul Spaces. Mental illness and crises in graphic narratives”
In the LVR Düren (NRW) May 8th – September 30th 2024. With works by Aike Arndt, Eva Brittner, Tina Brenneisen, Sheree Domingo, Markus Färber/Christine Färber, Tine Fetz, Stefan Haller, Regina Hofer/Leopold Maurer, Rina Jost, Nel, Uli Oesterle, Moa Romanova, Ingrid Sabisch, Heiko Sakurai, Daniela Schreiter, Johanna Selge/ Max Hillerzeder, Elke Renate Steiner, Nando von Arb, Dominik Wendland, Anja Wicki, Albin Zauner
The number of mental illnesses has increased significantly in recent years. Anxiety disorders, depression, addictions, eating disorders and schizophrenia are among the most common diagnoses. The current global crises such as climate change, wars, social conflicts and economic upheavals contribute to the growing uncertainty among people. In addition to effective treatment, the mission of the psychiatric clinics of the Rhineland Regional Association (LVR) is to provide comprehensive information about the causes and effects of this development and, above all, to promote understanding for those affected. This is implemented through the exhibition “Soul Spaces – Mental Illnesses and Crises in Graphic Narratives” in House 5 on the grounds of the LVR Clinic in Düren. Graphic novels, comics and cartoons offer a unique opportunity to convey complex content in an accessible way, often more easily than in plain text form. Particularly in the context of mental illness, these visual narratives share personal experiences in a sensitive and touching way. From the perspective of the characters in the works exhibited here by 24 well-known comic artists, we can gain a deeper understanding of the complexity of mental crises. ›Soul Spaces‹ not only aims to educate, but also encourages people to talk openly about these often taboo topics. The presentation is supplemented by detailed information about the work and the presented artists. The exhibition is kindly supprted by the German Comics Association.
Vernissage on May 8, 2024, 6 p.m. on the ground floor of House 5 on the grounds of the LVR Clinic Düren.
The exhibition is open every Thursday and Sunday between May 8, 2024 and August 2024 from 2:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. The visit is free of charge.
LVR Clinic Düren | House 5, Meckerstraße 15, 52353 Düren | Tel.: 02421 40-0, email:,