Comics Scholarships Berlin 2018

In 2018, the Berlin Senate Department for Culture and Europe announced three scholarships for comic artists whose main place of residence is Berlin. The scholarship endowed with €16,000 went to Mikael Ross, who applied with his project with the working title “The First Year”. The two scholarships endowed with €2,000 went to Paula Bulling and Kai Pfeiffer. Furthermore, a residency scholarship for Paris was given to Burcu Türker.

The German Comics Association was significantly involved in setting up the scholarships over the years prior. The recipients and their works will be presented at an event in June 2018 at a location not yet determined. More information on the artists can be found in the Tagesspiegel newspaper.

“First Year” by Mikael Ross
Illustration Mikael Ross
Illustration Mikael Ross
Illustration Mikael Ross
© Mikael Ross
“Triangles” by Paula Bulling
Illustration Paula Bulling
Illustration Paula Bulling
Illustration Paula Bulling
© Paula Bulling
“Haunted Houses” by Kai Pfeiffer
Illustration Kai Pfeiffer
Illustration Kai Pfeiffer
Illustration Kai Pfeiffer
© Kai Pfeiffer
Work Samples by Burcu Türker
Illustration Burcu Türker
Illustration Burcu Türker
Illustration Burcu Türker
© Burcu Türker