Kaktus Kid Film Screening
In the documentary “The Final Adventure of Kaktus Kid” (2018) the Serbian artist Aleksandar Zograf searches for information regarding the life and work of Veljko Kockar. During the 1940s in Belgrade, Kockar created the beloved comic character known as the Kaktus Kid.
In 1944, at only 24 years of age, he was found guilty of collaborating with the Nazis and murdered. The documentary, directed by Đorđe Marković, follows Zograf as he researches the unknown artist and reflects on the political power of comics and cartoons.
The screening, with special guest Aleksander Zograf, will take place on the 11th of March 2020, 7 p.m. at Moviemento. Entry is free of charge. Please register for a ticket by writing to lilian.pithan(at)deutscher-comicverein.de.
In cooperation with the Centre for East Central and South-East Europe at the Museum of European Cultures (MEC) as part of the comiXconnection exhibit.